Lab Grown Rubies Made

Discovering the Journey of How Are Lab Grown Rubies Made


Rubies, in their deep red hue and glow, have been treasured for hundreds. These gems used to be mined and dug out of the earth sometimes at a significant cost both environmentally and financially. But the technology now enables synthetic rubies to be made and offers a way of using lab-grown gems that offer an affordable, more ethical alternative. How are lab grown rubies made? In this article, we will delve into the intriguing process that goes into making these beautiful stones and why they are slowly but surely beginning to take over.

Why Choose Lab Grown Rubies?

But before we take a deep dive into how are lab grown rubies made, one must know why these have become so popular. Increased Affordability: Lab-created rubies are more affordable, so you can get a larger stone for the same price as smaller natural stones.

Cost: Lab-made ruby’s overall cost is significantly lower than natural ones because they do not have to be mine.

Ethical production: if you are against the mining of rubies, lab-grown gems may be right for you.

Clarity and color: are generally more stable with lab-grown rubies, as they are created under controlled conditions so that there is less chance of inclusions.

How Are Lab Made Rubies Created: The Process

This is because lab-grown ruby manufacturers mimic the natural processes of formation that happen as rubies form deep in the Earth’s crust. There are two main methods to create lab grown rubies which include the Flame Fusion method and when it undergoes Flux Growth. Each of these techniques will have different instructions, but regardless all will yield ruby that is virtually indistinguishable from natural in terms of its properties.

1. Flame Fusion Method

The Flame Fusion process is the most popular and budget-friendly way to produce fired lab-created rubies which are additionally referred to as the Verneuil procedure. Breaking down Step by step

Melting Aluminum Oxide Step 1

First, you’ll start by firing a powered aluminum oxide (the main element of rubies) to the point where it becomes liquid with the help of a flame torch. As it gets hot, the powder melts.

Step 2: Crystal Formation

Upon cooling, the molten substance crystallizes into a ruby. The process is carefully monitored so the crystals grow in a consistent, uniform direction.

Step 3: Layering the Ruby

Ruby crystals grow layer by layer to make up a larger gemstone. The process can be tuned to manage the size and quality of finished Ruby.

Step 4: Cutting and Polishing

The final shape of the ruby is then processed according to the size and quality required for jewelry.

The process is effective and it creates rubies in a relatively short time frame factored into making Flame Fusion one of the most popular methods for manufacturing low-cost synthetic stones.

2. Flux Growth Method

Flux Growth method (much slower and more delicate; often used for producing better quality rubies) Now, how are lab grown rubies made? Let’s take a look:

Creating the Flux Mixture Step 1

Aluminum oxide is mixed in a flux that acts as the solvent. Then this mixture goes through a high-temperature heating process to melt the aluminum oxide into liquid form.

Step 2: Slow Crystallization

The melted mix slowly cools for months. Ruby crystals formed naturally on the surface as regular cubes, similar to how rubies grow in nature beneath Earth’s crust.

Step 3: How to Richest the Ruby Crystals

These pristine gemstones are then harvested, cut, and polished into breathtaking crystallized treasures.

Although Flux Growth is a process that takes longer, it usually results in rubies with fewer inclusions and an appearance more like natural material.

Advantages of Lab Created Ruby

After seeing the process, it is apparent that there is a path to how are lab grown rubies made of advantages to these types of gemstones. A few advantages:

Greener Process: With no mining involved, lab-grown rubies are a sustainable alternative and have less impact on our natural resources.

Sustainable Sourcing: Rubies formed in the lab eradicate the need to mine for a gemstone, an act that can often result in unethical labor conditions.

Economic: Lab-created rubies are generally less expensive than natural ones, lowering the cost for a wider demographic.

Consistent Color & Clarity: Labs are controlled environments that enable scientists to produce rubies with higher clarity and better color.


Fast forward, how are lab grown rubies made? Artificial 3 Sapphires By simulating the natural conditions that create ruby researchers can make beautiful gemstones that are chemically and physically indistinguishable from nutrient armlets. Either the Flame Fusion or Flux Growth method is used to yield synthetic rubies that not only have an exceptional quality but are also a sustainable and ethical alternative to mined gemstones. While consumers continue to consider the cost as well as the ethical impact of their gemstone acquisition, lab grown rubies are making a bright compromise-free choice.

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